Note: you will need to log in quickly, or ensure that the camera cannot connect to the Internet.You will now be able to create a new admin user with a strong password.The default username is administrator.(You may need to power cycle the camera again without holding in the reset button if it doesn't connect to the network).Keep the pin in for 10 seconds, then release it.With the pin still held in, connect the power to the camera.Hold a pin/paperclip in the "reset" hole on the back of the device.Plug in a network cable and connect it to your network.If you do not know what these credentials are, you can reset the camera to its defaults. Your camera may have been supplied with a username and password. It is possible your camera does not have access to all these API calls. Sercomm supplies cameras to a number of partners - each with a custom firmware.

OC821D - an external camera with weatherproof features.RC8221D - a modified version of the above camera.These API calls have been tested on the following cameras: This is designed to be a fairly comprehensive set of API documentation for SerComm IP Cameras.